Sunday, March 4, 2012

Shopping list for Wing Ming Market

Here is a note from Ken Glowaki, Lac who teaches at OCOM:
Shen Wu: Thicker black hair. Known to reverse gray hair to natural color. Tonifies the Kidney Jing.
Black Green Max: Digestion, tonifying kidneys

Green Max (gold): Clarifying, tonifying the brain.
Walnut/ Black Sesame: Brain function and good for eyes

Eamega: Open 3rd eye for focus. Use on forehead, 3rd eye and lower back of head for hand trembling.

Amethyst: Spleen
White Jade Buddha: for scholarly activity & clarity
Chinese Jade Pillow: Opens spirit connection
Moldavite: Good for brain function. Best put on a gold chain and worn as pendant.

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