Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Eating Whole Foods instead of taking supplements as pills. Have a whole foods salad instead of a pill salad. The new term for it is:

Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient Synergy

Growing up, even our doctor at Kaiser said it is far better to get our nutrients from whole foods.
In Chinese Medicine, the philosophy is whole foods have the whole energy of the food.
This is why we eat the whole vegetable, whole duck and whole fish... at least in this country the idea is to cook the whole food as a whole food.
In western terms, cook the whole salmon or whole chicken with the bones, so that the calcium is imported to the whole rest of the fish or chicken meat that you will eat.
I was excited to find this article by Dr. Michael Gregor MD that reminds of us this way of nuturing our bodies to health and well being.

source:  Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient Synergy

Sunday, March 4, 2012

ANDI: Aggregated Nutrient Density Index

More cleaning off my desk items:
I found this at Whole Foods on several of the Bulk Food bins.
They have a list on their Whole Foods website
ANDI: Aggregate Nutrient Density Index. This factors the amount of Vitamins, Minerals, Phytonutrients and Antioxidants are in these foods.
104 Lentils
100 Red Kidney Beans
94 Great Northern White Beans
84 Azuki Beans
83 Black Beans
82 Black Eye Peas
78 Sunflower Seeds
65 Sesame Seeds
61 Pinto Beans
58 Edanames
58 Split Peas
57 Garbanzo Beans
41 Brown Rice
41 Pistachios and Pecans
38 Almonds
34 Walnuts
32 Hazelnuts
27 Cashews

Chug-A-Lug Coffee

Still cleaning off my desk...
Here is a drive thru coffee place in Milwaukie
Chug-A-Lug Coffee

(503) 893-5712

8500 SE Mc Loughlin Blvd.
Milwaukie, OR 97206

Shopping list for Wing Ming Market

Here is a note from Ken Glowaki, Lac who teaches at OCOM:
Shen Wu: Thicker black hair. Known to reverse gray hair to natural color. Tonifies the Kidney Jing.
Black Green Max: Digestion, tonifying kidneys

Green Max (gold): Clarifying, tonifying the brain.
Walnut/ Black Sesame: Brain function and good for eyes

Eamega: Open 3rd eye for focus. Use on forehead, 3rd eye and lower back of head for hand trembling.

Amethyst: Spleen
White Jade Buddha: for scholarly activity & clarity
Chinese Jade Pillow: Opens spirit connection
Moldavite: Good for brain function. Best put on a gold chain and worn as pendant.

Cleaning off my desk

I'm cleaning off my desk today, and there are little notes from people to me, which I decided to put on my blog so that I can find them.
I do not know who gave me this list of Foods. Looks pretty generic.
Healthy Foods for me to eat:
  • Rice - Brown, White, or any color. I'm liking the black and green jade rice.
  • Lamb and Chicken
  • Veggies ( no nightshades)
Foods not to eat:
  • Soy
  • Dairy
  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Sugars